Design, engineering and technology
67 Page Introduction To Digital Photography Workbook/Portfolio | Printable & Digital
67 Page Introduction To Digital Photography Workbook/Portfolio | Printable & Digital
Appropriate for BTEC, A Level, GCSE Curriculum & at home learning
What is Digital Photography?
What are the benefits of Digital Photography?
Camera Components
File storage – file formats
Reading Images (photographs)
Photography techniques
Target audience
Creating ideas in relation to a brief
Taking images in response to a brief
BTEC Level 3-Extended Diploma in Creative Media Practice: Digital Photography-A1: Skills Development
90 page booklet - AC1: Informing ideas:
Skills for informing development of ideas and outcomes as they evolve
and progress.
A1.1 Explore and develop investigation skills for informing ideas
A1.2 Explore and develop problem solving skills
A1.3 Explore and develop creative technical skills
A1.4 Explore and develop professional skills and behaviours
A1.5 Explore and develop communication skills
What is Digital Photography?
What are the benefits of Digital Photography?
Explore and develop investigation skills for informing ideas: Research
Target audience
Reading photographs
Camera Components
Black & white photography
Monochromatic photography
File storage: file formats
Experimental photography
What is a client ?
Developing ideas in relation to a brief
Responding to a brief
37 Page Workbook | Responding To A Media Commission (Moving Image) |
Responding To A Commission (Moving Image) | Rationale, Pitch, Proposal & Treatment (Script/Storyboard)
37 Page Workbook
Students will learn how to respond to a media commission. Appropriate for BTEC Creative Digital Media Production (Unit 8).
They will learn about the structure & process of a Rationale, Pitch, Proposal & Treatment (Script/Storyboard).
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma:Creative Digital Media: Unit 12 Website Production - LOA, LOB & LOC.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma:Creative Digital Media: Unit 12 Website Production - LOA, LOB & LOC.
95 pages - Fully planned - All learning & Assessment
LOA: Learning aim
In this unit you will:
Understand the codes and conventions of website production
What is website production?
What are the different purposes of a website?
What is a target audience?
Common components of a web page
Understanding the requirements of user experience & expectation
Brand Identity
Web accessibility
Interactive content
LOB: Learning aim
In this unit you will:
Prepare materials for website production
What are website assets?
Primary & secondary assets
Legally sourcing secondary assets
Website assets - problem based task 1
Website assets - problem based task 2
LOC: Learning aim
In this unit you will:
Produce a website for a specific purpose and audience.
In your portfolio
Elements of design
Composition design
Anatomy of film
Photo composition
Photography basics
The best places to find creative ideas
SWOT Analysis
Design club
What is design thinking?
Why Art?
Types of Art
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Practice -Magazine production - A2: Creative Project
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Practice - Magazine production - A2: Creative Project
Assessment Criteria Covered:
A2.1 Inform ideas in response to a creative brief
A2.2 Apply problem solving skills in response to a creative brief
A2.3 Apply technical skills in response to a creative brief
A2.4 Demonstrate professional skills and behaviours in response to a creative brief
A2.5 Apply communication skills in response to a creative brief
Tasks/learning included:
Magazine Genre: Research task
Target audience
Common components of a magazine
Design task
Composition ( proximity, white space, contrast, alignment, hierarchy & repetition)
InDesign learning
What is typography?
Type design
Artist Alphabet | A to Z | Practical & Theoretical Art Activities Inspired By Artists from A to Z
Range of practical and theoretical activisties inspired by artists from different periods, styles and media:
A - Amedeo Modigliani
B - Brett Whiteley
C - Claude Monet
D - Diana Boulay
E - Ellsworth Kelly
F - Frida Kahlo
G - Giuseppe Arcimboldo
H - Henri Rousseau
I - Ian McKeever
J - James Rosenquist
K - Kyle Jenkins
L - Leonardo da Vinci
M - Marcel Duchamp…COMING SOON
O- Ohara Koson…COMING SOON
P - Piet Mondrian…COMING SOON
R- Rene Magritte
S- Salvador Dalí
T - Tracey Emin
U - Ugo Rondinone
V - Victoria Reynolds
W - Wassily Kandinsky
Y - Yayoi Kusama…COMING SOON
Z - Zachary Bennett-Brook
More to come!
Artist A to Z | R | Rene Magritte | Surrealism
Rene Magritte was a Surrealist painter who was born in Belgium in 1898. He wanted people to look at ordinary things in different ways. He sometimes painted objects in places were they didn’t usually belong. Within this resource students will learn about the artist and create their own collage, digital collage or photomontage surrealist piece.
42 Page | Introduction To Website Production | Appropriate for in classroom or home learning
42 Page | Introduction To Website Production | Learning Portfolio
Within this book students will develop an understanding of:
What is website production
Different purposes of websites
Target audience
Common components of a web page
Brand identity
User experience (UX)
Web accessibility
Interactive content
Website assets
Site map
Appropriate for classroom, remote or home learning.
Introduction To Media: Graphics (Poster Design), Website Production, Photography & Branding
Introduction To Media for Secondary Learners: Graphics (Film Poster & Poster Design), Website Production, Digital Photography & Branding Bundle.
Full year of Media planned for Secondary learners
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma: Creative Digital Media Production: Unit 12 Website Production - LOB
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma: Creative Digital Media Production: Unit 12 Website Production LOB
25 page learning portfolio for remote or in class learning
In this unit you will:
Prepare materials for website production
What are website assets?
Primary & secondary assets
Legally sourcing secondary assets
Website assets - problem based task 1
Website assets - problem based task 2
Introduction To Branding & Graphics - 24 Page Digital Booklet - Appropriate For Remote Learning
Introduction To Branding & Graphics - 24 Page Digital Booklet - Appropriate For Remote Learning
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals- Creative Digital Media Production- Unit 3: Digital Media Skills Exam
This booklet contains learning material for the completion of the preparatory work and activities for the set task for Unit 3: Digital Media Skills exam.
The assessment period lasts eight weeks and comprises:
5 hours for Activity 1 under supervised conditions
15 hours for Activity 2 under supervised conditions.
**The best performing learners clearly used the preparatory period to:
research their chosen theme
develop a good understanding of relevant codes and conventions
explore how the client’s specific requirements have been used in existing media
gather a range of assets/material from secondary sources
**Specific marking guidance:
The marking grids have been designed to assess learner work holistically.
Rows within the grids identify the assessment focus/outcome being targeted.
When using a marking grid, the ‘best fit’ approach should be used.
● Examiners should first make a holistic judgement on which band most
closely matches the learner response and place it within that band.
Learners will be placed in the band that best describes their answer.
● The mark awarded within the band will be decided based on the quality
of the answer in response to the assessment focus/outcome and will be
modified according to how securely all bullet points are displayed at that
● Marks will be awarded towards the top or bottom of that band depending
on how they have evidenced each of the descriptor bullet points.
**Formal supervision is the equivalent of examination conditions. Learners must work independently, cannot work with other learners, cannot talk about their work to other learners and will only be able to access the materials specified in the assessment.
**Independent preparation is required in this assessment so that learners are able to source assets for their product. Centres need to make provision for this preparation using scheduled lessons and ensuring that learners have access to information and equipment that may be required. Learners should be working independently rather than being taught
or directed.
**Monitored preparation is provided when learners produce materials that are used in any formally supervised session. This includes notes, artefacts, assets, plans etc. as specified in the sample assessment. Monitored sessions are where learners are being directly observed.
They may have, where specified, access to their own outcomes from preparation, access to the internet and use of appropriate resources.
Learners are working independently and teachers/tutors will be able to authenticate that the outcomes for formal assessment meet
the requirements and are authentic. At the end of the monitored preparation, centres will retain the assets which will be provided to learners during the formal supervised assessment.
Product Design & Technologies | Yrs 8-10 Research Task | Textile Toy Craft
Product Design & Technologies | Yrs 8-10 Research Task
Creative Toys | Textiles
Multi Materials-KEY RING DESIGN & PRODUCTION-Digital/Printable Portfolio-Double Diamond Process
Multi Materials & Product Design - KEY RING DESIGN & PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT - Digital/Printable Portfolio - Double Diamond Process
Students will be assessed on their ability to design & produce a wooden key ring.
The results of this assessment will be shown as DESIGN BRIEF & PRODUCTION on your report.
*What is a key ring? *
A decorative object attached onto keys, your pencil case or school bag that may be threaded in order to keep them together or for decorative purposes.
Student examples
Multi Materials Room Rules & Behaviour Contract
*Skills definitions & trials *
For cutting wood w/ a coping saw, sanding, filing varnishing, staining & glueing
Double diamond Design process
*Key Ring - Final plan *
Orthogonal drawing practise
*Assessment Rubric *
Graphic Communication - Brand Personality Adjectives Activity Worksheet - In School/Remote Learning
Graphic Communication - Brand Personality Adjectives Activity Worksheet
The Impact of Images - Collaborative photography worksheet - Group photo discussion prompts
The Impact of Images - Photography worksheet - Photo discussion prompts
What was the first thing each of you noticed in the photo?
How does the image make you feel? Why?
What does everyone think the artist is trying to say?
Let's Talk Type - Three Free Typography Lessons - Resources & Activities
What is Typography?
Font and Typeface
Type Foundations
Anatomy of a Letter
Tips in using Typography
The Art Of Calligraphy
Creating letterforms
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